Monday, October 20, 2014

Latest Update From Strafford Cemetery Personnel.... Email Chain

I finally caught up with Dick. He is going to set a meeting and leave me a note as to when. 
The committee had 2 spouse deaths this summer, so not much got done. 

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 1:44 PM, BF Blake <> wrote:
Thanks for your assistance Joie.  Please let me know when the commissioner meeting might be.  I may or may not be able to attend.


Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 08:03:05 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: Deeded to Town - This is the Blake Cemetery. The farm is on Rockbottom Road.

Gosh I've been out of town. I will get a meeting together soon with the other commissioners to talk about a future for the cemetery. 
Sorry I've been such a slacker. it's been a wicked busy summer/fall. 

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 3:57 PM, BF Blake <> wrote:

Hi Joie,

I hope you are well.  I was wondering if you were able to find any additional information on the Strafford Blake Cemetery.


Cemetery notes and/or description:
Best access route over private property of Rockbottom Farm. 
Very remote and overgrown. 
Only one stone of Little Mary still legible. 
All other stones are mere stubs now. 
Stone wall in tact.
Yard measures 104 feet by 93 feet. 

Located in the Northwest corner of Lot No.12 in the 3rd division. Was deeded to the town of Strafford by Susannah Blake, July 7 1827 as recorded in Book 7, pages 246&247 of Strafford Land Records. It is assumed that Timothy Blake was buried there He was a soldier of the Revolution. But the only Legible maker is that of Mary, His daughter...See Strafford Historical Bulletin no 4, July 1959. 

Jojo Finley
Ramble on...

Jojo Finley

Ramble on...